Heat and Performance

Spring races are exciting times of the year. Runners have diligently tolerated the ice and windchill, and cyclists have endured hours on the trainer. When the weather changes and welcomes us back to the roads, we celebrate with 1/2 and full marathons, time trials, and Boston Monday. More than any other time of year, it could be 20 degrees and snow, or 80 degrees and full sun. The effect this has on performance cannot be overstated. When the temperature rises, so do race times, and it may be necessary to adjust race goals accordingly. There are some training methods that can be utilized to mitigate this effect, but not eliminate it. Elite athletes suffer the effects, and the slower the athlete, the more affected they are by environmental conditions.

The basic physiology of work production and heat dissipation involves blood. Training increases blood volume and the ability of the body to deliver oxygen to working muscles, which drives energy production. In hot conditions, blood is sent from central circulation (where it’s assisting energy production) to the skin for cooling (where it’s not assisting energy production). Increasing plasma volume by exposure to a heat protocol can promote acclimation and improve performance. Springtime results in unique conditions whereby training has typically been in cool conditions with a potential hot day to race. Performance decrement will be greater under these conditions, and leave many disappointed in their performance, or worse, in the medical tent.

Heat acclimation occurs as a relatively rapid adaptation. Exposure to heat training can expedite the changes, mainly by increasing blood volume and sweat efficiency. Using a sauna after a workout is usually the most accessible method for athletes to achieve this. For example, after a treadmill workout of tempo or VO2 intervals, go directly to the sauna for 15-30 minutes. When it becomes uncomfortable, exit the sauna and refuel and rehydrate as normal. It’s critical to consume fluids as this is part of the adaptive process. Alternatively, heat application during the training session will result in similar adaptations, but must be done on easy days. Key workout targets are the priority and must be performed under conditions conducive to hitting power and pace targets.

Key workouts=heat application in post

Easy day=heat application during

Research has shown that no more than 10 sessions are required to produce most of the adaptations. There is some evidence that a heat protocol can be stressful and interfere with a taper so caution is recommend. Heat acclimation results in lower perceived exertion in hot conditions, increased blood volume, better cooling management, and psychological preparation to push hard in the heat. It can give you an edge, but proceed with caution.



3-5 X 5:00 TEMPO



**All workouts leave from AARC Ashley at 6:05 pm.

All abilities are welcome and the workouts are written to be adjusted to each runner’s individual needs. They are time based intervals or hills that aim to leave no runner behind. Whether you are training for a sprint tri race series or this year’s late summer DXA2 run, or even a fall marathon, you can benefit from this training. Workouts are based at a local track or hill and start from AARC at 6pm. This allows runners to bring along a drink and drop it at the workout location. Please note that AARC closes at 6pm. ***Each runner is responsible for assessing their fitness and readiness to participate. Each runner is responsible for choosing their own workout and understanding the risks associated with demanding physical activity. This information is available for runners to help themselves, no prescription is intended.***

Runners gather at Ann Arbor Running Co. on Ashley every Tuesday at 6:00pm. All paces are welcome. Runners are responsible for their own workout.